Bends main poster output國家 香港
年分 2013
類型 劇情
格式 Color / Flat / DCP
片長 96 分鐘
上映日 2013年11月22日(台灣)
導演、編劇 劉韻文
卡司 劉嘉玲、陳坤

Hong Kong  /  2013 /  Drama / 96 mins
Color / Flat / DCP
Release Date Nov 22, 2013 (Taiwan)
Writer & Director Flora LAU
Casts Carina LAU, CHEN Kun


預告 / Trailer

劇情簡介 / Synopsis

Bends_5591一切就在深、港邊境發生。每日都從深圳來港替富裕人家的太太Anna (劉嘉玲 飾) 駕車的深圳司機輝 (陳坤 飾),一直在找方法安排深圳的懷孕妻子和小女兒來港,讓妻子能在香港產子;另一邊廂,因有錢丈夫忽然失蹤,Anna天天也想盡辦法,在表面維持闊太生活,以掩飾家門後的經濟危機。在中港關係愈發複雜的今日,身處充滿都市壓力的香港,Anna和輝唯一共處時刻,就在車廂之內,看似互不相干的二人,竟不知不覺醞釀了一段似是而非的友誼……

BENDS straddles the Hong Kong-Shenzhen border and tells the story of ANNA, an affluent housewife and FAI, her chauffeur, and their unexpected friendship as they each negotiate the ressures of Hong Kong life and the city’s increasingly complex relationship to mainland China. Fai is struggling to find a way to bring his pregnant wife and young daughter over the Hong Kong border from Shenzhen to give birth to their second child, even though he crosses the border easily every day working as a chauffeur for Anna. Anna, in contrast, is struggling to keep up the facade of her ostentatious lifestyle into which she has married, after the sudden disappearance of her husband amid financial turmoil. Their two lives collide in a common space, the car.

導演的話 / Director’s Statement





 To a certain extent, we are all confined by our place in society. In extreme cases, this leads to desperate measures: some struggle to attain the means to liberate themselves from these limitations, while others put up pretense in order to live within a specific social hierarchy.

Bends_0779BENDS tells the stories of Fai and Anna, two characters living in opposite worlds. My intention is to portray a microcosm of Hong Kong by interweaving two seemingly different stories together. By comparing the same emotions shared by the two characters, while contrasting their realities of life, I hope to bring out a discussion of identity in society. The car’s intimate setting further explores the interaction of the two worlds, allowing them to let down their guard, bear their vulnerability, and share parts of their lives with each other that they would not otherwise share in other spaces.

I am using two distinctively diverse geographic locations, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, as the backdrop of my story to reflect Hong Kong’s complex relationship with the mainland. Like the relationship of the two characters, the two cities are distinctive, yet dependent on each other.

In situating the characters’ everyday lives, I also want to portray the normal, everyday, yet vibrant side of Hong Kong –a seemingly hectic but orderly physical exterior that contrasts with the emotional confinement felt by the characters.

導演‧編劇 劉韻文 / Writer & Director  Flora Lau

flora_profile哥倫比亞大學畢業後,在倫敦電影學院攻讀導演課程,畢業作《無情雨》獲香港「鮮浪潮」短片競賽最佳電影獎,後在德國完成柏林影展青年陪訓課程 (Talent Campus)。在荷蘭參加Binger電影課程 (Binger Filmlab) 時,衍生首部長片《過界》的構思,後攜同劇本參加「香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF)2011」及「巴黎電影企劃(Paris Project)2012」,今年終於完成個人首部戲劇長片,並同時獲邀到法國《第66屆坎城國際電影節》「一種注目」單元參展,競逐該單元的最佳電影大獎。

Flora graduated from Columbia University and later attended London Film School where she graduated with distinction as a director. Her thesis film, Dry Rain, won the Best Film Award in the Hong Kong Fresh Wave Short Film Competition at the 33rd Hong Kong International Film Festival. Flora is an alumnus of the 8th Berlinale Talent Campus 2010 and was subsequently invited to develop the feature script for Bends at the prestigious Writers Lab of the Binger Film Lab in the Netherlands. Bends was selected for the Hong Kong Asia Financing Forum (HAF) 2011 and Paris Project 2012. Bends is Flora’s feature directorial debut.

演員介紹 / CASTS

劉嘉玲 飾 Anna / Carina LAU as Anna


Selected Filmography:
Detective Dee and the Mystery Phantom Flame 狄仁傑之通天帝國,
Let the Bullets Fly 讓子彈飛,
Flowers of Shanghai 海上花,
Ashes of Time 東邪西毒,
Days of Being Wild 阿飛正傳

陳坤 飾 輝 / CHEN Kun as Fai


Selected Filmography:
Painted Skin I & II 畫皮I & II,
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate 3D 龍門飛甲,
Let the Bullets Fly 讓子彈飛,
Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress巴爾紮克和小裁縫