女孩半夜不回家 (A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night)

ss-girl_v09_272x392_kk_01-LOW國家 伊朗
年份 2014
類型 驚悚、浪漫
格式 B/W / ScopeDCP
片長 99 分鐘
上映日 2015年5月22日(台灣)
導演、編劇 安娜莉莉阿米波爾 Ana Lily Amirpour
演員《亞果出任務》席拉汪得 Sheila Vand
        《神鬼奇航》Marshall Manesh
        《蓋世奇才》莫珊馬諾 Mozhan Marnò

Iranian  /  2014 /  Horror,Romance/ 99 mins
B/W / Scope / DCP
Release Date May 22, 2015 (Taiwan)
Writer & Director Ana Lily Amirpour
Casts Sheila Vand, Marshall Manesh, Mozhan Marnò


預告 / Trailer

劇情簡介 / Synopsis


A love story between two tortured souls In the Iranian Ghost town called BAD CITY… a place that reeks of death and loneliness where a lonesome vampire is preying on the towns most depraved denizens.

導演的話 / Director’s Statement




我創造了自己的世界,自己立規矩。所有的角色的靈感,都是發想自五零至九零年代我喜愛的流行文化代表人物,例如詹姆士狄恩、蘇菲亞羅蘭、南非饒舌團體回答樂團(Die Antwoord)的主唱 Ninja,當然還有各式各樣的吸血鬼。我希望他們的造型和氣質是永遠都不會過時的,同時也富含這個故事的神祕與超現實色彩,所以我採用黑白的變形鏡頭拍攝,讓片子看起來像圖像小說,給觀眾一個跨類型的感官體驗。

要聊怎麼拍這部片,就一定得聊音樂。音樂在我的生活裡一直都佔有很大的部份。我之前是歌手,也在搖滾樂團裡做過好幾年的貝斯手,我現在則愛上了當 DJ,所以音樂在這部片裡當然是很關鍵的元素。這部片的原聲帶的重要性,跟劇本是不相上下的。每首歌都是事前精挑細選的,音樂的力量強大到主導了拍片的方式,是一股讓故事在不同媒介中流轉的魔力。

It’s like Sergio Leone and David Lynch had an Iranian rock ‘n’ roll baby, and then Nosferatu came and babysat for them. It’s shot in black and white; it has a crazy awesome soundtrack and an incredible cast. I wanted to make an Iranian film, but the question was how? Since I obviously can’t shoot in Iran, the solution became the invention of the entire film; I found a desolate, vacant oil-town in the desert of California which became the ficticious Iranian ghost-town Bad City, and suddenly there were no rules. I created my own universe, and made the rules.

And the cast of characters are inspired by pop icons I love from the 50’s all the way through the 90’s, like James Dean, Sophia Loren, Ninja from Die Antwoord, and of course, the limitless possibilities of a Vampire.I wanted the look and feel to be timeless, and truly complete the mythical and surreal feeling of the story, so that’s why I shot in black and white anamorphic; it gave us this graphic look, and the film suddenly became a truly genre-blending experience.

It’s impossible to talk about making this film without talking about the music. Music has been a big part of my life; I was singer and bass player of a rock band for many years, and now love DJ’ing, so it’s natural that music is also a vital part of this film. The soundtrack was very much a part of the design of the film, at the script level. Each song you hear was picked in advance, and the power of music is so massive that it leads the way in the filmmaking. It’s the magic that transports a moment into another dimension.

導演‧編劇 安娜莉莉阿米波爾 / Writer & Director  Ana Lily Amirpour

AnaLilyAmirpour-byJasonBedient安娜莉莉 12 歲就拍攝了第一部電影,在此之後,陸續得了許多短片獎的肯定,也受邀參加過柏林影展、紐約翠貝卡影展、洛杉磯電影節等國際重量級影展。
這部獨一無二的愛情故事,深受大衛林區(David Lynch)的《我心狂野》 (Wild at Heart)、瑟吉歐李歐尼(Sergio Leone)《狂沙十萬里》(Once Upon a Time in the West)和教父導演柯波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)執導的街頭輓歌《鬥魚》(Rumble Fish)的影響,保證讓熱愛電影的影迷大呼過癮。

Ana Lily made her first film at age 12- a horror movie starring guests of a slumber party. She has a varied background in the arts including painting, sculpting, and touring the nation as frontwoman of an indie rock band, before she eventually moved to Los Angeles to make films. Ana Lily’s short films have played at festivals around the world including the Berlinale, BFI London, Edinburgh, IKFF Hamburg, Slamdance, Nashville, NYCIFF and Seoul Korea Children’s Festival.
Her 2011 short film PASHMALOO was acquired by Arté Television and in 2011 Ana Lily was one of five filmmakers chosen by the Berlinale to shoot a film, funded by the Medienboard in Germany. She spent 4 months in Berlin shooting A LITTLE SUICIDE, an intricate film that mixed stop-motion animation with live-action footage. The film was a nominee for the 2012 Berlin Today Awards. Ana Lily has particpated in filmmaker programs like the Berlinale Talent Campus, FIND screenwriter and director Labs,Tribeca All Access, and FIND’s Fast Track. She was the 2009 recipient of the Adrienne Shelly Fellowship in Screenwriting and 2008 grand prize winner of the Bluecat Screenwriting Award. A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night is Amirpour’s debut feature film, making it’s world premiere at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival in the NEXT category. http://www.analilyamirpour.com
